Pro Life Sentence

All those protesting abortion who claim to be pro life are really pro life sentence. They haven’t shown one ounce of compassion for anything other than the unborn. Once that baby is born it can be neglected, deprived of love, of nourishment, of education, of opportunity. And if it happens to be a black or Hispanic male when it gets to be an adolescent you can shoot and kill it without any of the pro-lifers uttering a peep. You never hear those who shout and scream pro life from the rooftops that they care anything about that same child after it’s born. None of them advocate for health care for infants, child care, early education. Their caring stops the moment that baby passes through the birth canal and enters the world. An unwanted child is in most cases going to have a very hard time making it in our society. He or she does not grow up with all of the necessary ingredients for a healthy, happy childhood which leads to them becoming, in time, a contributing adult in our society. Most often they are contributing to those who make money from the prison system, from cheap labor provided by the undereducated and underprivileged. So let’s be clear about what it is they are really for, which is a life sentence of struggle for themselves and their mothers.

Abortion is a terrible thing, there’s no question. But is it worse than what an unwanted child suffers in this world? I suspect in many cases it is not.

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