All together now

I’ll be so glad when we can get back to being one country again. There are too many serious issues that need to be addressed in the world for us to continue fighting each other. I work every day with people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum, but we get along, we like each other enough to accomplish our various tasks and most of the time enjoy ourselves. I know they don’t believe the way I do but I still respect them and their right to do so. The fact that I see things differently doesn’t mean I have to hate them for not being like me. I am old enough and have enough life experience to know that hating is rarely a good thing. People can use hatred for all sorts of reasons. Once it starts inside you it can be manipulated and turned into actions, actions you may not have anticipated.

With all we’ve been through in the last few years I count myself lucky to still be alive with no serious health problems and living in a country where work is plentiful, along with all the necessities of life. I continue to work with those who are different from me and am thankful for them. Most are as kind and helpful as you could ask them to be. That makes me hopeful for us as a nation, in spite of every pundit’s assessment that our differences can’t be reconciled, that we are doomed to fighting each other forever. Maybe so, but I hope not. Let’s just accept the fact that we have our differences but that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that we work to make it work.

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